Thủ tướng chỉ đạo tăng cường quản lý nhà nước trong lĩnh vực thương mại  điện tử, kinh doanh trên nền tảng số - Cổng Thông Tin Hội Liên hiệp Phụ nữ
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has recently taken decisive action to enhance state management in the realm of e-commerce and digital business platforms. In an effort to address the challenges posed by the rapid development of e-commerce and digital business activities, the Prime Minister has issued Official Dispatch No. 56/CD-TTg, outlining a series of measures to strengthen state management in this critical area.

The dispatch acknowledges the significant growth of e-commerce globally and in Vietnam, recognizing the importance of e-commerce and digital business activities as vital distribution channels that support businesses in meeting consumer needs and contributing to the development of financial and electronic payment services.

However, it also highlights the challenges posed by this rapid development, including issues such as counterfeit goods, poor quality products, violations of intellectual property rights, and tax administration in commercial activities.

To address these challenges and further improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management in e-commerce and digital business activities, the Prime Minister has directed several key ministries and agencies to take specific actions.

The Minister of Industry and Trade has been tasked with leading the effort to review current legal documents and propose amendments to enhance the legal framework for e-commerce management. Additionally, there is an emphasis on completing the National E-commerce Development Master Plan for the period 2021-2025 and submitting it for consideration and approval.

Furthermore, coordination with the Ministry of Finance is essential to detect and handle violations in e-commerce activities, ensure tax compliance, and prevent tax evasion. The Minister of Finance is also responsible for building a tax management database for e-commerce, applying modern technologies and risk management methods for e-commerce and business activities on digital platforms.

The Minister of Public Security has been directed to promote the development of application of population data, identification, and authentication of electricity serving national digital transformation. This includes synchronizing population data with civil status, tax, banking data to serve identification and authentication of individuals and organizations to prevent fraud and tax evasion in e-commerce activities.

Thanh tra ngay hoạt động kinh doanh vàng; khẩn trương xử lý tình trạng thao  túng tổ chức tín dụng

The Minister of Information and Communications is tasked with developing technology solutions to enhance supervision and management of online transactions, combat commercial fraud, and protect consumer rights. This includes coordinating with relevant agencies to manage social network users engaged in e-commerce activities.

The Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam has been directed to strengthen inspection and supervision of electronic payment transactions in banking activities, improve the efficiency of the interbank electronic payment system, and support e-commerce transactions. Additionally, building and developing the national e-commerce payment system is a priority.

The Minister of National Defense is responsible for strengthening state management measures to protect national sovereignty in cyberspace, fight against high-tech crimes, and contribute to ensuring national cybersecurity.

The directive also emphasizes the role of other ministries, agencies, and local authorities in effectively deploying tasks and solutions to improve the management of e-commerce activities, protect domestic production, facilitate trade activities, and create a transparent import-export environment.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai has been assigned to directly oversee the implementation of this Official Dispatch, while the Government Office will monitor, urge, synthesize the situation, and promptly report any problems that arise during its implementation.

In conclusion, the Official Dispatch No. 56/CD-TTg reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the challenges posed by the rapid development of e-commerce and digital business activities.

By strengthening state management in this critical area, Vietnam aims to create a conducive environment for businesses to thrive while protecting consumer rights, ensuring tax compliance, and enhancing national competitiveness.

The implementation of these measures will be crucial in fostering a fair and transparent e-commerce environment while safeguarding against illicit activities such as smuggling, trade fraud, counterfeit goods, and poor quality products.