Stephen Curry has always been about giving back to the community. The Eat.Learn.
Play Foundation plays a huge role in that goal.
Steph and Ayesha Curry are one of the most beloved power couples in the NBA.
And they have used their status and reached to better the lives of the next generation.
After all, they are the future of the world. So investing in their upliftment is only natural.
And a major aspect of this is none other than literacy.
The Foundation’s website has its three pillars stated as “nutrition, literacy, and physical activity”.
With regards to the release of his second children’s book, “I Am Extraordinary,” the Warriors superstar also brings attention to a shocking gap in their adopted hometown of Oakland.
Curry believes he is exactly where he needs to be
According to the standardized test scores in Oakland in the years 2021 and 2022, there were only 36% of third graders reading on grade level.
That was something the soon-to-be father of four and his expecting wife did not realize.
But Curry says, “Life has an interesting way of revealing where you need to be”.
The pair didn’t start their foundation after gathering all the statistics.
But later, when the numbers did come to the forefront, it was clear that they were in the right place.
Stephen and Ayesha have invested almost $6 million in Oakland and the Greater Bay Area for this purpose. And it’s something they will continue doing.
His latest book talks about a little girl named Zoe who lacks confidence because she wears hearing aids.
Self-conscious of her disability, Zoe’s friends help her get past the barrier and encourage her to embrace her uniqueness.
Finally, with the right guidance and support, the little girl joins her school soccer team.
Curry himself makes an appearance in the storybook as little Zoe finds success in her new role.
And who better to understand Zoe’s struggles than the little boy who was constantly underrated?
But that’s not all! The ‘Baby-faced Assassin’ might have a change of designation in the near future.
Stephen Curry for President?
It’s clear that the Currys have no plans of stopping any time soon.
Be it in their respective careers, in their business, or more importantly, in their philanthropic and charity endeavors.
When you are in a position to influence society and the world, it’s a chance that everyone would undertake.
But to use that to continue the good you are doing on a global scale; that’s hard. Or at least that’s what history has shown us.
But it seems that isn’t the case for Stephen Curry.
He iterated in the above interview that he was determined to “leverage every part” of his influence for good.
And if politics is the way to go about it, then he wouldn’t mind going that route.
There is no doubt as to who will get all the votes if Stephen Curry does plan on running for the President.