LeBron James et Victor Wembanyama

 Victor Wembanyama and LeBron James engaged in a beautiful duel. The French prodigy also took the opportunity to post a photo of them on social networks… and the reactions were not long in coming.

At this point, there is little doubt that Victor Wembanyama will be voted Rookie of the Year at the end of the regular campaign. The Spurs pivot never stops delivering crazy performances and this night against the Lakers, he made history by performing the fastest 5×5 of all time. Whether in attack or in his own half, the Frenchman did everything for them.

A new high-ranking performance for the V and above all, it once again took place against a large engine. Despite being opposed to Anthony Davis and LeBron James, the big man largely took up the challenge and was also entitled to praise from the King after the meeting . Wemby responded by sharing a photo of them on Instagram:

Fans mock after Wemby’s post about him and LeBron



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It’s hard not to see a passing of the torch behind this image, as the King is now turning 40 and Wemby’s future looks bright. The reactions were obviously very numerous following the Habs’ post and the fans did not fail… to make fun of him because of his so-called routine every evening .

teomankt : Brother doesn’t go to bed at 9 p.m.😂😂

youngboywillbebroke : Wemby you lied, you don’t go to bed at 9 p.m.😂

krishagarwal.11 : LeBron looks so small😂

nickyardy : What are you doing up Wemby

At the time of publishing this photo showing him in the company of LeBron James, Victor Wembanyama was indeed well past his deadline to turn off the phone. An exceptional situation, one might say, since it was a match night and it was particularly crazy.