Well what a bombshell it is today with the news coming out about Queen Elizabeth’s will and the fallout unfolding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Let’s dive right in and break this all down.

First things first, the contents of the Queen’s will were finally released to the public after months of speculation about how her large estate would be distributed.

And in what surely comes as a shock to absolutely no one, Prince Harry did not inherit a single penny. That’s right, despite being her grandson, Harry walked away with nothing from the Queen’s massive $500 million fortune.

The bulk of the estate went to King Charles III as her successor, as was always expected.

But many believed there may have been some personal bequests to her other immediate family members like Prince William or Harry. Nope, Harry got zilch, nada, nothing at all. That has really rubbed him the wrong way according to sources close to the couple.

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The recent revelation of Queen Elizabeth’s will has intensified tensions within the royal family, notably affecting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Prince Harry’s exclusion from the will, which leaves him with no inheritance, has led to significant feelings of resentment towards his family. This development has further strained his relationship with Meghan, who is reportedly frustrated with Harry’s reaction to the situation.

Harry’s lack of inheritance from the Queen’s estate has caused him considerable distress, exacerbating existing conflicts with other family members.

Meghan, on the other hand, believes Harry should come to terms with the situation rather than expressing discontent. This disagreement has fueled arguments between the couple and highlights the broader strain in their relationship.

Heckler interrupts event where Meghan Markle delivers speech - but ...Heckler interrupts event where Meghan Markle delivers speech - but ...

Compounding their difficulties are the upcoming release of Harry’s memoir and ongoing conflicts with Netflix over their docuseries. Meghan is concerned that Harry’s memoir could misrepresent her and damage her reputation, leading to emotional confrontations. Additionally, creative differences with Netflix have caused further frustration, with Meghan feeling that the streaming service is exploiting their personal lives, while Harry sees potential for positive messaging.

These issues have also affected their holiday plans. The couple’s decision to celebrate Christmas privately reflects their fractured relationship and ongoing tensions with the royal family. As they navigate these challenges, their attempts to reconcile personal, professional, and family dynamics remain uncertain.