This story, however, is rooted in a web of longstanding rumors and accusations that have followed Meghan for years, many of which have never been substantiated.

One such rumor is the claim that Meghan was once a “yacht girl,” a term used to describe women who provided company on luxury yachts for wealthy men.

Some versions of the story suggest that Meghan’s role was limited to that of a hostess, while others insinuate that she was involved in more intimate activities.

Prince Andrew has recently stirred controversy by attributing his life’s misfortunes to a supposed curse cast by Meghan Markle during a yacht encounter.

This dramatic claim, which suggests that Meghan’s alleged influence has led to a series of personal and public scandals, is rooted in a mix of unverified rumors and wild allegations.

The narrative begins with long-standing and largely unsubstantiated rumors about Meghan Markle, including dubious claims regarding her past as a yacht girl.

According to Prince Andrew, these rumors culminated in a supposed curse that has, he believes, significantly impacted his life.

Meghan Markle : ses confessions à un journaliste - Elle

This includes his well-documented association with Jeffrey Epstein and the fallout from a highly criticized BBC interview.

Despite the dramatic nature of Prince Andrew’s claims, skepticism is warranted.

The narrative is heavily imbued with exaggeration and melodrama, lacking credible evidence to support the idea of a curse or Meghan Markle’s influence on his misfortunes.

As such, it is crucial to approach these allegations with a critical eye, recognizing that the true causes of Prince Andrew’s troubles are likely more complex and grounded in real-life circumstances rather than supernatural forces.